menzies larkspur: an ode to May

Sometimes a blossom that I am studying has so many astounding structures that taking it apart and understanding its beautiful components becomes a total obsession for days.  And so it is with this little native wildflower, Menzies larkspur, Delphinium menziesii,  from the family Ranunculaceae. It produces nectar in its amazing little nectar spurs, and sheds pale creamy pollen from its numerous anthers.



2 thoughts on “menzies larkspur: an ode to May

  1. I am so impressed and moved by your dedication and the quality of your work and its creative expression. Following you as I do on Instagram, i look forward to your daily posts, so consistently beautiful and well observed. Yours is a fabulous project and I look forward to its long continuance. Bravo!

    • Hi Alf,
      Your very generous comments are much appreciated! Thank you for your kindness, your consideration and your attention. I am glad that we can share our modes of expression and ideas through Instagram. It has been–it is, a pleasure!
      Gratefully, jasna

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